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We responded to over 150,000 incidents in 2023-24. The incidents displayed below are note-worthy incidents that have been published as media releases or tweets. Details about incidents may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.
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Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has provided critical support to the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) in assessing and prioritising repairs following the devastating storm that struck Carinda, near Walgett, earlier this week. Specialist FRNSW HAZMAT (hazardous materials) crews deployed advanced... Learn more about the *** VISION ALERT *** FRNSW drones support storm cleanup at Carinda.
CARINDA | *** VISION ALERT *** FRNSW drones support storm cleanup. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has provided critical support to the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) in assessing and prioritising repairs following the devastating storm that stru... View on X [external link]
DOONSIDE | #FRNSW One occupant released from the wreckage of vehicle crash on Power Street and Knox Road. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance in attendance. @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
DOONSIDE| #FRNSW rescue trucks on scene at a crash on Power Street and Knox Road, one person is still in vehicle. @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
DOONSIDE } #FRNSW rescue trucks on scene at a crash at the intersection of Power Street and Knox Road. One person still in vehicle. More to follow @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
A woman has died in a house fire in Auburn in Sydney's west earlier this evening. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) received numerous Triple Zero (000) calls around 6.30pm about a house alight in Cardigan Street. Eight trucks and more than 30... Learn more about the Woman dies in house fire` at Auburn.
AUBURN | ***VISION ALERT*** Woman dies in house fire`. A woman has died in a house fire in Auburn in Sydney's west earlier this evening.Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) received numerous Triple Zero (000) calls around 6.30pm about a house alight in... View on X [external link]
AUBURN | #FRNSW responding to reports of a house on fire on Cardigan Street. Six fire trucks responding. View on X [external link]
CATARACT | #FRNSW rescue and hazmat trucks are on the scene of a serious crash on Appin Road just north of Princess Highway. @NSWAmbulance treating driver who is trapped. more to follow @LiveTrafficNSW View on X [external link]
A lithium-ion battery left on charge is believed to be the cause of a unit fire in Camperdown overnight. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) initially responded to an automatic fire alarm in a multi-storey unit complex on the corner of... Learn more about the Lithium-ion battery fire destroys unit in multi-storey complex at Camperdown .
CAMPERDOWN | ***VISION ALERT*** Lithium-ion battery fire destroys unit in multi-storey complex. A lithium-ion battery left on charge is believed to be the cause of a unit fire in Camperdown overnight.Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) initially respo... View on X [external link]
RT @NSWRFS: A Total Fire Ban is now in place for the North Western and Upper Central West Plains areas. Hot, dry and windy conditions are f View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have saved a row of businesses from a fire that’s destroyed an abandoned café this morning at Trangie, in the state’s west. The blaze broke out in Dandaloo Street, just after 9am. The FRNSW crew from... Learn more about the Firefighters stop flames spreading to neighbouring businesses at Trangie.
TRANGIE | Firefighters stop flames spreading to neighbouring businesses. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have saved a row of businesses from a fire thats destroyed an abandoned caf this morning at Trangie, in the states west.The blaze bro... View on X [external link]
Three people have been saved from a fire that has destroyed a home at Abardare in Cessnock. The blaze broke out just after 9.00 am on Friday morning in the large single-story residence on Greta Street. More than 30 Fire and Rescue... Learn more about the ***Vision Alert*** Firefighters rescue three people from a house fire at Aberdare.
ABERDARE | ***Vision Alert*** Firefighters rescue three people from a house fire. Three people have been saved from a fire that has destroyed a home at Abardare in Cessnock.The blaze broke out just after 9.00 am on Friday morning in the large... View on X [external link]
ABERDARE | Update 2 - the fire in the single level home on Greta Street has been controlled. Four people were transported to the hospital. #FRNSW will remain on scene to extinguish the smouldering fires and to investigate where and how the fire ignited. View on X [external link]
ABERDARE | Update - single level home well alight, roof collapse, two people who were rescued by firefighters from the home are now being treated by @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice also in attendance - no information on how fire started at this stage, still working on extinguishing View on X [external link]
ABERDARE (Cessnock) | #FRNSW house well alight on Greta Street. Firefighters have pulled two people from the home, and gas cylinders are also venting and on fire.@NSWAmbulanceon scene providing emergency care.@nswpolice more to follow View on X [external link]
DENHAN COURT |Update 1 - #FRNSW firefighters have cut the side of the vehicle away to remove one occupant from the wreckage. Firefighters have provided a shade tent to protect another casualty from the weather while @NSWAmbulance treats another injured person. View on X [external link]
DENHAM COURT | #FRNSW firefighters working with @NSWAmbulance paramedics to free a person who is trapped in the wreckage of a vehicle after serious crash on Camden Valley Way and the corner of Ingleburn Road. @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
KELLYVILLE RIDGE | Update from Windsor Road crash - #FRNSW has freed one occupant from the wreckage @NSWAmbulance assessing two casualties. No others trapped. @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
KELLYVILLE RIDGE | #FRNSW on scene with all other emergency services on Windsor Road and Old Windsor Rd, serious crash between two cars and a truck. Reports of one person trapped. @nswpolice @NSWAmbulance @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) investigators suspect a faulty lithium-ion battery caused an intense garage and house fire this morning at Woronora, in Sydney’s south. Firefighters were called to the home on Prices Circuit, just before 3.00am. On arrival, they found the... Learn more about the Faulty e-scooter battery thought responsible for house fire at Woronora.
WORONORA | Faulty e-bike battery thought responsible for house fire. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) investigators suspect a faulty lithium-ion battery caused an intense garage and house fire this morning at Woronora, in Sydneys south.Firefighter... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has contained a large fire at an auto repair shop in Auburn in Sydney’s south-west. More than 100 firefighters and 20 fire trucks remain on scene at the incident in an industrial area in Stubbs Street... Learn more about the Firefighters contain intense fire in auto repair shop at Auburn.
AUBURN | ***VISION ALERT*** Firefighters contain intense fire in auto repair shop. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has contained a large fire at an auto repair shop in Auburn in Sydneys south-west.More than 100 firefighters and 20 fire trucks rem... View on X [external link]
There has been a fire on Stubbs St, Auburn near the intersection of Parramatta Rd. The fire is contained but is expected to smoulder overnight. Because there may be smoke in the area, residents and businesses in the vicinity are advised to keep doors, windows, and vents closed. View on X [external link]
AVOCA BEACH | Cape Three Points Road #FRNSW rescue trucks on scene at single-vehicle crash, wires down across the road. At lease one person injured. @CCoastCouncil View on X [external link]
PUNCHBOWL | #FRNSW rescue trucks on scene at Canterbury Road and Cullens Road. Two vehicle crash traffic impacted. @LiveTrafficSyd View on X [external link]
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.