Public access to information

New legislation improving access to Government information

In NSW, the new Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) replaced the Freedom of Information Act 1989 (NSW) from 1 July 2010.

The new right to information legislation is designed to promote openness, accountability and transparency, and will help Government agencies to be more proactive in providing information to the public.

Information Requests during COVID-19

Under the current COVID-19 restrictions, Fire and Rescue NSW prefers to receive access for information applications under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), via email at, and payment by way of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) which are included in the Access Application Form.

Please complete one of the forms below.

Request for incident information

If you would like information regarding an incident attended by the Fire and Rescue NSW for insurance claims or other reason please complete the Request for incident information form.

A description of the incident, the actions of fire fighters and the likely cause of any fire is available in this form free of charge. 

How to access other Fire and Rescue NSW information

To access information from Fire and Rescue NSW, first search our website to see if this information is already available. If it is not, please contact the FRNSW's Right to Information Officer on email phone (02) 9269 6447 and ask for this information.

We will then decide whether the information you want:

  • is open access information that is readily available. If it is, we will tell you where and how you can get this information
  • will be made available as part of a proactive release of information
  • can be disclosed to you through informal release, for example, where no third party personal information is involved
  • requires a formal access application, for example because consultation with a third party is required.

Agency Information Guide

The Agency Information Guide describes the basic structure and functions of the FRNSW, the various kinds of information it holds, and how members of the public can access this information. View the Agency Information Guide

Policy documents

FRNSW has published a number of policies and procedures that may impact on members of the public. View our policy documents

Annual reports and other documents tabled in Parliament

Documents which have been prepared by FRNSW which have been tabled in Parliament such as the annual report. View documents that have been tabled in Parliament

Register of Contracts

The Register of Contracts contains a summary of contracts where FRNSW engaged private sector bodies to carry out certain work or provide services to the value of more than $150,000. View our Register of Contracts

Disclosure Log

The Disclosure Log contains details of FRNSW information already released under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). It provides access to information for people who want the same or similar information as previous applicants. View our Disclosure Log

Application for access

The Access Application Form should be completed to apply for formal access to FRNSW information under the GIPA Act. The Internal Review Application Form should be used to apply for internal review of a decision about information access made under the GIPA Act. Learn how to access information

Open access information not released

This contains a record of open access information not released to the public on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure. View our open access information not released list

Contact for more information

For more information, please contact the FRNSW's Right to Information Officer.