FRNSW crews battle residential building fire - Croydon, NSW

Published: 06 Aug 2022 10:28am

Approximately 15 people have been evacuated from a two-level building comprising of shops on the ground level and residents above early this morning following a fire.

A fire broke out in the Edward Street building and spread to adjoining properties.

Six people were initially evacuated from the fire effected building, with several more evacuated as a precaution as the fire evolved.

Fire and Rescue (FRNSW) crews are currently in attendance with 20 fire trucks and approximately 80 firefighters battling the blaze, and firefighting efforts will continue throughout the day.

NSW Police and NSW Ambulance are also assisting with firefighter operations.

There are no currently reported injuries.

As a precaution, an alert was sent to Croydon and Ashfield residents advising them to avoid the area and to close windows, doors and vents until further notice.

The cause of the blaze will be investigated by expert fire investigators and NSW Police.

Superintendent Adam Dewberry said working smoke alarms save lives in the home, and is reminding landlords that they must ensure the properties they lease out have working smoke alarms and they must be checked annually.

Media note: You can obtain video footage of FRNSW crews at the incident through this link: [external link]

Updated: 08 Aug 2022 08:23am

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Related safety topics

Smoke alarms

It“s the law to have at least one working smoke alarm installed on every level of your home.

Details about this incident may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.

For all life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000)

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For information directly relating to bushfires please call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737 or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service Website here. [external link]