Fire and Rescue NSW responds to radiation emergency - Adamstown

Published: 08 Feb 2023 04:45pm

Specialist hazardous materials firefighters from Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) have been called into to render safe a potential radiation leak at Adamstown in Newcastle.

FRNSW were called in to determine if equipment used to measure ground moisture was leaking radiation after being exposed to a fire on King Street.

The moisture gauge which consists of a radiation source was in a vehicle that was stolen and set on fire in the middle of a golf course just after 2am today.

When the owner located the vehicle they alerted emergency services that the equipment was in the vehicle at the time it was stolen and could be damaged.

Firefighters, wearing protective clothing and carrying radiation detectors, then entered the scene and conducted an initial assessment.

The equipment was located and was emitting low levels of radiation.

Additional specialist radiation detection equipment and radiation experts responded to conduct a comprehensive assessment.

That assessment has not detected any dangerous radiation emissions.

The vessel containing the radiation source has not been damaged.

A safety zone at the scene has been limited to 20-metres as a precaution.

FRNSW is now working with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to move the vehicle to a safe location so the radioactive element can be safely removed in an isolated area.

There is no safety threat to the community.

Updated: 08 Feb 2023 04:50pm

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Details about this incident may change and should not be used as emergency information and/or advice.

For all life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000)

For flood information, warnings or requests for non-life threatening assistance, call the SES on 132 500 or visit the NSW State Emergency Service website here. [external link].

For information directly relating to bushfires please call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 679 737 or visit the NSW Rural Fire Service Website here. [external link]

Stations nearby


39 Llewellyn Street, Merewether NSW 2291

LAMBTON Fire Station

40 Young Road, Lambton NSW 2299

NEWCASTLE Fire Station

44 Union Street, Newcastle NSW 2300