Baked Caprese chicken thighs

Created by Huntingwood Firefighter Drew

Serves: 2-3


  • 4 chicken thighs (fat trimmed)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Dried oregano
  • Dried thyme
  • Cold pressed organic olive oil
  • Sea salt and cracked pepper to taste
  • Good mozzarella cheese
  • Tomato
  • Fresh basil

Balsamic reduction

  • 1/3 Cup balsamic vinegar

Tomato and beetroot 'salsa'

  • 1 home roasted beetroot (roasted for 1hr prior)
  • Heirloom tomatoes
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 Spanish onion
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste

Keep Looking when Cooking


  • Marinate trimmed chicken thighs in olive oil, dried oregano, garlic and dried thyme for around 2 hours min. Quick pan fry to brown, then into the oven @160 for around 15-20min.
  • Whilst thighs in oven, cut slices of tomato, mozzarella and chop fresh basil.
  • Top chicken thighs with mozzarella, tomato slices and fresh basil, then pop back in oven for a further 15min, or until chicken is cooked and mozzarella nicely melted.
  • During this time bring balsamic vinegar to boil in small saucepan, then simmer to reduce to a 'sauce'.
  • Roughly chop tomatoes, Spanish onion, beetroot and cucumber. Combine in bowl, juices from tomatoes and cucumber 'dress' the salsa whist combining.

To serve

  • Place 'salsa' on bed of green lettuce, place chicken thighs (with mozzarella/tomato topping) onto plate, then drizzle balsamic reduction over thighs to taste.

Keep Looking when Cooking

Distractions can quickly lead to a kitchen fire