Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters are urging residents and businesses to find the water hydrant on the footpath and street closest to their home or place of work and check its condition.
What are water hydrants?
A hydrant is a valve connected to the water main which allows fire services and authorised users’ access to the main water supply.
In NSW Hydrants are located just a couple of feet underground on either a road or pathway and have a cover known as a surface fitting.
Why are water hydrants so important?
Fire services use the hydrant for a continuous flow of water which is vital to firefighting operations. A fire truck carries only enough water to make an initial fire attack. In the first minutes of a fire emergency a continuous water supply from the water mains must be accessed through at a hydrant. In every fire emergency, getting a hydrant to work is one of a firefighters’ priorities. Accessing a hydrant without delay ensures that firefighters who are already inside a burning building tasked with search and rescue or attacking the fire can continue for as long as required.
Photos of fire hydrants in use:

Often firefighters find that hydrants are hidden or not maintained and cannot be used at a fire emergency. This is not only frustrating for firefighters but it can lead to serious consequences in delaying operations.
A much greater awareness of the importance of hydrants in the community is needed so people will ensure hydrants near them are useable.
Hydrants may be hidden or unuseable when;
- Grass or vegetation has grown over the hydrant cover.
- Dirt, earth or rubbish has been piled over a hydrant.
- Cars are parked on top of a hydrant.
- Gardens have been grown over a hydrant.
- Hydrants have been relocated due to building construction.
- Markers have worn out or been dislodged Insects have infested a hydrant.