FR360 App FAQs

Common Questions

Am I expected to use this app or is it optional?
We highly encourage you to download the FR360 app so you can stay up-to-date and receive notifications of relevant news and information anytime, anywhere.

FR360 content can also be found on the intranet under the news, notices, blogs and calendar pages.

How can I ensure I have the latest version of the FR360 app?
You can check for updates via your phone settings. We will also notify you when an update is available via FR360 and the intranet.

If I’m expected to use my phone at work, does FRNSW pay my bill, pay my insurance or replace it if I drop it or it gets wet?
No. Your personal phone is your own responsibility.

Can I claim a tax deduction for my phone bill?
For personal taxation advice please speak with your tax professional.

Is there any exclusive content in the app?
All news articles, notices, blogs and stories published on FR360 are also available on the FRNSW intranet. You can add and view comments, like articles and comments only in FR360.

Will you expect me to use it on days off?
No. This app is designed to provide you with info that you have opted in to receive. While you may receive notifications of relevant news and information anytime, including on your days off, there is no obligation on you to use the app on your days off

Will it chew up my data?
Data usage with FR360 is like browsing the internet. It will generally be minimal. Watching videos  will use more data. The videos are streamed from Microsoft Azure where they’re optimised for this purpose. Most FRNSW stations are fitted with Wi-Fi and you are encouraged to use this to view content on FR360. If this is serious concern for you, we suggest you install a data tracking app or monitor your usage with your service provider.

Leave and payslips

When are my leave balances updated?
Leave balances displayed within the app are calculated to the day prior. For example, if you are viewing leave balances on 1 February, your balances as at 31 January will be displayed.

Can I access previous payslips?
The app provides access to your three most recent payslips. Tap the download button to save a PDF of your payslip on your phone. You will need to log in to ESS to access older payslips.


Can I include preferred locations with my recall availability?
Permanent firefighters can access RALPH via the app menu to update recall availability. Location preferences have also been added to FR360. Navigate to RALPH, tap ‘Locations’ and select the locations you are available for.

Privacy questions

What are you doing with my location data?
Like all government departments and many apps, FRNSW is obligated to inform you of any use of personal data. Your location is only used to show the weather for your area. Your location is sent from the app to the weather provider We do not record or log your location.

Can you see if I’ve read something?
FR360 uses Google Analytics, a reporting service provided by Google. Google Analytics helps us analyse how users use the app. The information generated by the app on your use is logged anonymously for statistical purposes. The information generated by the app will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the app, compiling reports on app activity for app operators and provide other reports relating to app activity.
No attempt will be made to identify a user except in the very unlikely event that an investigation is necessary, where a law enforcement agency alone would have the power to inspect the records of the Internet Service Provider to obtain this information.

How secure is my personal info?

FR360 content and user information is stored within the FRNSW Microsoft Azure Cloud. This is a very safe environment used by big business and government departments around the world. It uses the same authentication system as Outlook Webmail.

Content and moderation questions

What if an article or photo is incorrect?
Please email if there are errors in an article or photo.

Is there any exclusive content in the app?
No. All content in FR360 can be found in various other places, including the FRNSW Intranet.

Can anyone submit content?
All FRNSW employees can submit articles to the app.

How are comments moderated?
The moderation of comments is maintained by app admins and the FR360 team.
In the interest of providing an environment that respects the opinions and values of all staff, any abusive or potentially offensive content, spam and advertising will be removed. This includes  ‘trolling’, eg. excessive or repetitive posting about the same issue. All comments need to adhere to the FRNSW Code of Conduct. We will not moderate comments based on favourable or unfavourable opinions. In fact, we'd like to know about positive and negative opinions.

If you see a comment that needs to be removed, please email

What permissions are needed for submitting articles
Please ensure you have permission from the relevant stakeholders/business units (i.e. your manager or relevant partners) to submit content for publishing. If any photos or videos have any identifiable children, you must have permission to publish the photo/video. Please ensure that a parent/guardian has signed the Photographic or video recording release form for children and that the photos adhere to the FRNSW Media Policy, which are both available on the FRNSW intranet.

How long will it take before my article is published?
If all the approval requirements above are met, the article will be published promptly, usually within 3 working days. If further information is needed to publish the article, the FR360Team will be in contact.

If your article has time sensitive information and needs prompt attention, or requires the approval of multiple business divisions, please email

How do I update my number in the Phone book?
Your phone number can be updated by contacting the IT Service desk.

How do I add a Pocket Guide?
If you have an idea for a pocket guide, get in touch with us via

Technical questions

What type of phone is required?
iOS9 and above. Roughly, iPhones no older than five years old. This includes iPhone 5 and above.

Google Android based phone
Android Nougat 7.1 and above. Roughly, Android phones no older than three years old
Android phones include Samsung, LG, OPPO, Nokia, Huawei, Pixel etc.


Can I change what content I see in the app?
You can customise the content displayed on the home page of the app by category and/or location. Within the app, go to Settings, tap ‘Location Settings’ to choose your preferred locations, only content relevant to your selection locations will be displayed on your home page. You can then go to ‘Categories Settings’ to customise what type of content you want to see on your home page. The tick box selects that category, the bell enables a notification for the selected category.

How do I turn on/off notifications?
Go to ‘Settings’ and move the slide to enable/disable notifications. You will be taken to your device settings where you can change permissions for FR360.

Problems and ideas

What if I find a bug?
If you find a bug with the functionality of the app, please email the service desk. Don't forget to include what type of phone you are using and if possible, include screenshots.

What if I have an idea for an improvement?
Please email and the FR360 team will make note of the improvements.

What if a comment needs to be moderated?
If you see a comment that needs to be removed, please email

What if an article or photo is incorrect?
Please email when there are errors in the article or photos.