Emergency Services Academy
Come behind the scenes of Australia’s busiest fire and rescue service at the Emergency Services Academy (ESA) Open Day on Saturday, 13 May 2023 10am - 2pm.
Open Day is your chance to meet a firefighter, see our trucks in action, check out our equipment and find out more about what we do. We’ll be on scene to answer your questions, show you around and help you prepare your home for a safe winter. We can’t wait to see you and show you what we have been up to.
1-5 Distribution Drive
Orchard Hills
Links for directions:
Mobile map link
Google Maps
Learn more about the Emergency Services Academy here.
Visitor information
Event program
A schedule is listed below.
Note: FRNSW reserves the right to alter the program without notice.
Items marked with a # will include an AUSLAN interpreter for the Hard of Hearing.
- 10:00 GATES OPEN
- 10:15 Police K9 @ Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) prop
- 10:30 Service Station fire demonstration (Heritage/modern)
- 10.45 Band
- 11:00 # Road Crash Rescue (Structure collapse)
- 11:15 # Police K9 @ Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)
- 11:30 # Fire Investigation K9 – COLA
- 11:45 # RAAF fire display
- 12:00 Band
- 12:30 Road Crash Rescue (Structure collapse)
- 12:45 # Service Station fire demonstration (Heritage/modern)
- 13:00 # (Group photo at end of display)
- 13:15 # Band
- 13:30 Fire Investigation K9 – COLA
- 13:30 # Commercial Fire Safety (COMSAFE) hearing impaired demonstration
- 13:45 Band
COMSAFE will determine and deliver demonstrations as needed.
Limited off street parking will be available. Gates will open at 9:15am for the following car parks (although you will still have to wait for the Open Day official 10:00 start):
- Academy – 260 spaces – enter via Gate 2
- 11 Distribution Drive – 2 car parks with approximately 160 spaces available (500m walk)
- 13 Distribution Drive – Approximately 60 spaces available (800m walk)
Once these are filled, parking will be on-street only. Please take note of the signposted parking restrictions.
We recommend that you do not park on any grassed areas. A number of accessible parking spots are available inside the Academy car park – see Gate Security if required.
Note: If you park inside the Academy, the Open Day gates will not open until 10am.
General access
For those who park off site, pedestrian (public) access enter via pedestrian Gate 1 and exit via vehicle Gate 3. Follow the signs.
Induction and safety
Hand sanitiser stations will be located around the site.
Security patrols, high-frequency touch point cleaners will be in attendance and visible. We encourage wearing of masks if you cannot maintain social distancing. Masks will be available at the front entrance table.
Our site has more than 30,000 square metres of open space, so we should fit all visitors on, however we reserve the right to restrict access if required.
Site rules
- No smoking on site
- Alcohol and other drugs not permitted
- CCTV camera are in use and footage is retained
- No access beyond barricades
- Media will be on site filming the day. This may be distributed for future use by third parties. By entering the site you agree to be filmed.
Three food trucks and a coffee van will be on site to sell food items and drinks.
A limited number of children’s helmets and fire safety packs will be available for members of the public. These will only be given to persons in attendance at the time. The Museum of Fire will have items for sale. An optional charity collection for the Sydney Childrens Hospital Foundation will be running all day.
In case of emergency
In case of emergency Contact a FRNSW staff member. NSW Ambulance will be on site as exhibitors but also available in case of emergency.
In case of hearing the site alarm (if not part of the display), staff will direct members of the public to the appropriate emergency evacuation point.