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SYDNEY | ***VISION ALERT*** Tracks to IFARES inspires 41 applicants in a two-day intensive assessment. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has completed the first two-day workshop as part of its 2024 relaunch of the Indigenous Fire and Rescue Employment... View on X [external link]
TERRIGAL | Fire destroys two-storey building. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a large building fire in Terrigal on the Central Coast early this morning.More than 40 firefighters and 10 fire trucks responded to the incident... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters hit the streets of Hazelbrook on Saturday, conducting home fire safety visits and educating locals about fire risks in their homes this festive season. Firefighters from Lawson, Wentworth Falls and Katoomba carried out dozens of... Learn more about the Firefighters conduct home safety blitz, focusing on festive fire risks at Hazelbrook.
HAZELBROOK | Firefighters conduct home safety blitz, focusing on festive fire risks. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters hit the streets of Hazelbrook on Saturday, conducting home fire safety visits and educating locals about fire risks in... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a large fire at a pallet yard at Minto in Sydney’s south-west. More than 50 firefighters and 12 fire trucks responded to multiple Triple Zero (000) calls to a fire at a... Learn more about the Firefighters contain large pallet yard fire at Minto.
MINTO | Firefighters contain large pallet yard fire. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a large fire at a pallet yard at Minto in Sydneys south-west. More than 50 firefighters and 12 fire trucks responded to multiple Triple Z... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a house fire this morning at Cessnock near Newcastle, leaving the single-level home destroyed. More than 16 firefighters and four fire trucks responded to a number of Triple Zero (000) calls to the... Learn more about the Home destroyed by fire at Cessnock.
CESSNOCK | Home destroyed by fire. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a house fire this morning at Cessnock near Newcastle, leaving the single-level home destroyed.More than 16 firefighters and four fire trucks responded to a... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a house fire overnight at Voyager Point near Liverpool in south-west Sydney, leaving the two-level home completely destroyed. Fortunately firefighters were able to save the owner's irreplaceable Rolls Royce from the devastating fire. The... Learn more about the Rolls Royce saved in devastating house fire at Voyager Point.
VOYAGER POINT | ***VISION ALERT*** Rolls Royce saved in devastating house fire. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a house fire overnight at Voyager Point near Liverpool in south-west Sydney, leaving the two-level home completel... View on X [external link]
VOYAGER POINT (Liverpool Area) #FRNSW is working to extinguish a fire in a two-level home on Goodenia Ct. The House was well alight on arrival, all persons accounted for at this stage. The roof has collapsed. No information on how it started. View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a fire overnight at Cessnock, leaving two units destroyed. More than 22 firefighters and six fire trucks responded to numerous Triple Zero (000) calls to a unit fire in Dixon Street at... Learn more about the Four people hospitalised after two units destroyed by fire at Cessnock.
CESSNOCK | Four people hospitalised after two units destroyed by fire. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a fire overnight at Cessnock, leaving two units destroyed. More than 22 firefighters and six fire trucks responded to nu... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW’s (FRNSW) Dee Why Fire Station today marked its 100th birthday. Several dignitaries, including the Member for Wakehurst Michael Regan MP, Mayor of Northern Beaches Council Sue Heins, and Rural Fire Service representative Peter Marshall joined Fire and... Learn more about the Dee Why Fire Station celebrates 100 years of operation at Dee Why.
DEE WHY | Dee Why Fire Station celebrates 100 years of operation. Fire and Rescue NSWs (FRNSW) Dee Why Fire Station today marked its 100th birthday.Several dignitaries, including the Member for Wakehurst Michael Regan MP, Mayor of Northern Be... View on X [external link]
GORDON | #FRNSW has just arrived on the scene to smoke issuing from a home on Darnley Street. - Just in - fire in a water heater extinguished, one person being treated for smoke inhalation. No damage to home @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice also on scene View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has recognised the International Day of People with Disability by holding a fire safety education initiative in the Hunter. Firefighters from FRNSW’s Metro North Command, including a crew from Wallsend Fire Station, took part in the... Learn more about the ***Vision Alert*** Firefighters provide vital fire safety advice for International Day of People with Disability at Newcastle.
NEWCASTLE | ***Vision Alert*** Firefighters provide vital fire safety advice for International Day of People with Disability. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has recognised the International Day of People with Disability by holding a fire safety edu... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have been kept busy, dealing with three separate car fires in just four hours overnight across Sydney’s west. The most challenging incident involved a hybrid vehicle on fire in Chiswick Road, Greenacre, around 11.30 last... Learn more about the *** VISION ALERT *** Firefighters battle spate of car fires overnight at Greenacre.
GREENACRE | *** VISION ALERT *** Firefighters battle spate of car fires overnight. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have been kept busy, dealing with three separate car fires in just four hours overnight across Sydneys west.The most challeng... View on X [external link]
NSW Premier Chris Minns, Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib and Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Commissioner Jeremy Fewtrell today welcomed 286 new firefighters to the ranks of Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) at a graduation ceremony in western Sydney. The... Learn more about the NSW Premier welcomes more than 280 new firefighters at Fire and Rescue NSW graduation at Orchard Hills.
ORCHARD HILLS | ***VISION ALERT*** NSW Premier welcomes more than 280 new firefighters at Fire and Rescue NSW graduation. NSW Premier Chris Minns, Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib and Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Commissioner Jeremy Fewt... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a bus fire this morning at Kiama, with 33 school children safely evacuated from the coach. The blaze broke out around 8:45 am on the corner of Terralong and Collins Streets, prompting... Learn more about the Thirty-three children evacuated safely from bus fire at Kiama.
KIAMA | Thirty-three children evacuated safely from bus fire. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews have extinguished a bus fire this morning at Kiama, with 33 school children safely evacuated from the coach. The blaze broke out around 8:45 am on... View on X [external link]
MURRUMBATEMAN | #FRNSW freed one casualty from the wreckage after a severe crash on the Barton Highway which is closed in both directions. @LiveTrafficNSW @NSWAmbulance @nswpolice View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to a large fire that severely damaged a vacant home in Arncliffe late last night. Just after 10:30pm, the FRNSW Communications Centre received more than 35 Triple Zero (000) calls reporting the house in on... Learn more about the *** VISION ALERT *** Firefighters save neighboring properties from fire in a vacant home at Arncliffe.
ARNCLIFFE | *** VISION ALERT *** Firefighters save neighboring properties from fire in a vacant home. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) responded to a large fire that severely damaged a vacant home in Arncliffe late last night.Just after 10:30pm, th... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) safely evacuated 15 people after a fire broke out in a unit complex in Villawood in Sydney's west early this morning. Firefighters were called to the property in Alcoomie Street just before 2.00am. On arrival, crews were... Learn more about the *** VISION ALERT *** 15 people evacuated as fire engulfs unit complex at Villawood.
VILLAWOOD | *** VISION ALERT *** 15 people evacuated as fire engulfs unit complex. Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) safely evacuated 15 people after a fire broke out in a unit complex in Villawood in Sydney's west early this morning.Firefighters we... View on X [external link]
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) has provided critical support to the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) in assessing and prioritising repairs following the devastating storm that struck Carinda, near Walgett, earlier this week. Specialist FRNSW HAZMAT (hazardous materials) crews deployed advanced... Learn more about the *** VISION ALERT *** FRNSW drones support storm cleanup at Carinda.
Further Information
- For flood information and warnings, visit the NSW State Emergency Service website [external link].
- For bushfire and grass fire warnings or more information on bushfire incidents, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website [external link].
- For the latest information on changes to traffic conditions, visit Live Traffic NSW [external link].
- During major incidents look and listen for information on TV, radio, the internet, mobile phones and neighbours.
- Call Triple Zero (000) to report all fires and emergencies.