Lodge a fire safety complaint

Any person identifying an issue with the fire safety measures of a given building may lodge a fire safety complaint with Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW), who may inspect the premises to assess the matter.

FRNSW can only assess a fire safety complaint made in relation to a building or structure, and its fire safety measures that are intended to protect life and property. General health and amenity issues such as vegetation, rubbish accumulation, should be referred to your local council unless the issue directly impacts on fire safety (e.g. vegetation overgrowing fire hydrant, rubbish accumulated in fire stairs).

High bush or grass fuel loads that present a hazard to property should be directed to the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS). The NSW RFS will arrange an inspection, and if a hazard exists, can order the property owner to treat the hazard. If the property owner refuses, the work can be contracted and charged to the owner. To report a bush fire hazard:

Council are the regulatory authority for matters concerning the built environment. They have greater scope and powers to address concerns, and by volume of numbers, are also better resourced across NSW to investigate them. FRNSW recommend you notify your local council in the first instance.

Find my local council  [external link]

Complaints having direct and immediate implications on life safety take greatest priority. FRNSW may refer the matter to council if deemed the appropriate course of action. FRNSW may conduct an inspection of the premises under Section 9.32 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and subject to the outcomes of the inspection, may take any appropriate regulatory action required in relation to any defect or deficiency identified.

You may lodge your fire safety complaint anonymously, but FRNSW prefers that you provide contact details so that we can obtain more information if needed.

Note: Your anonymity will be ensured from the owner of the subject premises, but please note that your IP address is being logged by FRNSW when you lodge your fire safety complaint with us.


Lodge fire safety complaint


There is no charge applicable to lodge a fire safety complaint.


For general enquiries on building fire safety matters please contact the Fire Safety Branch.